Which void filler should I choose?
We offer a range of shredded paper and cardboard void fillers - all made from recycled material and recyclable when ultimately disposed of. Your preferred style will depend on the size of the box / parcel, weight of the items in the parcel, and the desired aesthetic.
- heavy items of irregular shape - pack shredded cardboard between items for optimum protection. The stringy nature of the shredded cardboard causes the cushioning to hold its shape, and the form of the cardboard creates a robust buffer between items.
- regular / similar shaped items - use a perforated cardboard wrap to create layers of padding between items. Products can be wrapped individually before boxing or simply layer the perforated sheet between products like a sandwich.
- light & bulky items - line a box / hamper with our bold 6mm shredded paper, firm (110gsm), medium (80gsm) or soft (60gsm) to form a nest to place the product into. Then pack a top layer of shredded paper cushioning over the top and between the products.
- small & light products - use our fine 3.8mm shredded paper in either kraft styles or white (very soft) to form a nest and pack the products into the fine shreds.

Where does the cardboard come from?
All of our cardboard products are made from 'post consumer harvested cardboard'. This means we collect cardboard from our neighbourhood and business partners. They kindly keep the cardboard dry, clean, and safe from any contamination until we collect and transport it to our factory. Here the cardboard is sorted into colour / style, damaged cardboard is removed and recycled, tape is removed and the cardboard is prepared into the beautiful eco-friendly products for you to enjoy.
How do I use the perforated cardboard wrap?
The perforated cardboard wrap is available in various lengths with a maximum width of 320mm flat or 800mm stretched. We are happy to arrange any orders of custom cut pieces to suit you boxes / parcels.
The most effective ways to use the wrap are to fold / roll the wrap around the item - folding is easier in the same direction as the slots cut into the wrap. The wrap is easily cut with sturdy scissors and joined / fixed down with kraft paper tape. Alternatively you can simply layer the sheets of wrap between the box walls and the item and between the items to create a tightly packed 'sandwich' filling the box.

Where do I dispose of the shredded cardboard or paper when used?
The great thing about choosing shedded cardboard or paper packaging is the ease of disposal. All of these products can be:
- put into your kerbside recycling bin - to be made into a more paper / card products.
- if you have chooks they love these shreds for an allergy free, chemical free nesting material.
- in the garden as a weed-seed free, chemical free mulch to help mask out weeds emerging between plans and retain moisture in the soil.
Where do the donations go?
Each year Cacti Conserve donates 50% of profits to local, state and national conservation projects. These projects range from on the ground work with indigenous land management teams, to support for fighting to reform laws to protect our beautiful places. Our staff are also given time to volunteer to a conservation group of their choice.
You can read more about our most recent year of donation recipients at our Conservation Donations page. We thank all of our customers for helping support these worthwhile causes.
Can I order other paper types?
If you have a specific types of paper in mind we'd be happy to discuss a custom order to suit your needs. Our shredding machines can process paper between 30gsm and 300gsm. Please feel free to give us a call to discuss your request.
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Please feel free to get in touch via our Contact Us page with any other questions you may have.