Eco Site Safety innovations tackling the Sea Monster…Plastic Waste
Plastic Waste Recycled First Site Safety Social Procurement Soft Plastics

Tackling waste plastics through next generation site safety products to maximise social impact and reduce projects’ waste footprint. Australian innovations by Cacti Conserve delivering safety, sustainability and social procurement benefits.
Social Benefit Partnership Creating Eco Site Safety and Employment Opportunities for Disadvantaged Communities
Assembeled Threads Australian Made Ecologiq Infrastructure Local Manufacturing Site Safety Social Enterprise

Greener Infrastructure Conference 2022
Allen Garner Ecologiq Infrastructure Recycled First Policy Tim Flannery Victorias Big Build

Earlier this month Cacti Conserve had the opportunity to participate in the Greener Infrastructure Conference hosted by Ecologiq at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The 2 day event united infrastructure builders with experts in the circular economy, with the aim of delivering purposely greener projects. Across the state we are seeing landmark infrastructure projects improving the safety and connectivity of our communities under Victoria’s Big Build. Level crossing removals, new rail and road tunnels, regional airport rail projects, and new freeway links are making vital improvements to the functionality of our growing cities, and generate thousands of local jobs. But what...
Circular Economy - An Essential Introduction
Circular Economy Monash University SEMMA South East Melbourne Manufacturing Alliance Sustainability Victoria

Over the past few weeks Cacti Conserve has been involved in a collaborative project hosted by Monash University Business School and South East Melbourne Manufacturing Alliance (SEMMA), and funded by Sustainability Victoria.
So what is the Circular Economy, and why is it essential?
Australian Made Packaging
Australian Made Australian Packaging Local Manufacturing Sustainable economy